
Friday, October 7, 2011

Countdown Part 3

I'm starting to feel like a little yappy dog who won't stop barking. I have so much owing through my mind at the moment and it's pouring out in blog and Facebook posts.

I feel like I am starting to win the battle this morning, the negative arguments about why I can't and or shouldn't try and run the marathon on Sunday are losing any substance to their points.

The positive thoughts are gaining, and I can feel myself starting to embrace them and swim in the sea of negativity.

I can cover the distance, run (preferably), walk, crawl it doesn't matter how, what matters is the most amazing life changing accomplishment, my first marathon, will not be my last.

I guess I sometimes expect that people will love my running as much as I do, and then I get disappointed when they don't.

As runners we are surrounded by A society who have not embraced their primal instinct to run. We are designed for running long distances, which is why most first time marathoners are middle aged men, they feel an urge yo run a long way. This primal instinct comes from genetic coding, a body designed for distance running, and the feeling our ancestors got when running an animal to death.

I have said it before running is a metaphor for living, but it is so much more. Running is answering the primal urges deep within your psyche, embracing their passive efforts to move you along in search of food or water.

This becomes evident when you listen to runners discuss race strategy. As an adult talking to another adult I have never experienced some of the topics, that I have with other runners. Chaffing, pre-race poo, cutting of toenails all sorts of things that are not lady or gentlemanlike to talk about. But the primal runner knows that they are important things for the hunt.

So again I need to say, on Sunday, in 2 sleeps, I will run a marathon, I will love it, I will hunt my prey and run the fucker to death.

Daniel :)

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